Carpet Tiles
With a wide range of colour palettes and unique patterns, commercial tile flooring creates stunning and practical concepts for every space within most settings. The tiles are well known for their aesthetic styling and incredible performance in heavy traffic environments. Carpet tiles are a high quality, long term and low maintenance option as they repair and replace easily whereas when a carpet is worn you replace the whole area. These durable carpet tiles are a cost-effective solution and reduce overall waste.
The benefits of carpet tiles:
- Less waste, keep costs down
- Repair and replace easily, low maintenance
- Hard wearing
- Broad selection of designs, modern colours choices and feature insert tiles for wider design options
- Suitable for high footfall, large areas and offices
Fresco Flooring offers a selection of carpets from leading commercial flooring manufacturers suitable for high-traffic environments. Our carpet range includes durable, long-lasting products that are designed specifically for locations that receive a lot of footfall such as offices, hotels, and schools but also want a comfortable feel.
Traditionally our carpets are fitted with underlay and grippers in which a high-quality underlay is used to give support and reduce wear on the fibres, while also provides a moderate insulation and padding. However, we can offer a fully bonded option where the carpet and underlay are bonded to the floor to avoid ruckles. This can give a classic feel and create a focal point for the room.
The benefits of carpet flooring:
- Wide variety of designs, modern colours choices, textures
- Comfortable underfoot whilst remaining durable
- Insulation for heat retention
- Padding for comfort
- Fully bonded option to ensure professional finish
- Wide price range to meet budget requirements
- Ideal for bedrooms, small areas, commercial hospitality sector, luxury apartments